How to customise new tabs in Google chrome

Hi folks,

Quite a short one this week. For while it annoyed me that when you opened a new tab in Google chrome, you were not able to set it to a page, as you can with your homepage.

After a little searching I came across this:

New Tab Redirect!

This extension to chrome allows you to set the page on new tabs, great!

So here is how to install it.

  • Go to the main page (click on the link above)
  • Click add to chrome

Main page

  • When prompted click install
  • This adds the extension to chrome

Now all you need to do is edit the options to set the tab to open a specific webpage:

  • Click on the spanner top right in chrome

How to find extensions in google

  • Next select tools, and then extentions
  • Finally select options under New Tab Redirect!
  • You can then type any website you wish to open in the new tab for example

New tab page options
  • After entering the desired webpage, close the tab and the settings are saved
  • Test it!

Any issues or for further info go to:

I hope this comes in useful for you!


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